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Family of Helena^4 Van Wicklen 


Helena^4 Van Wicklen (Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 3 April 1735, Jamaica, Queens, NY

Married: David Layton (bap. 5 August 1733, of Wheatley, O.B., LI) c. 1757.

1. Johanna^5 (Hannah) Layton, b. 1758, W.H.
2. Magritta^5 Layton, b. 1760, W.H.
3. Wyllem^5 Layton, b. 1762, W.H.
4. Garret^5 Layton, b. 1764, W.H.
5. Jan^5 (John) Layton, b. 1766, W.H.
6. Jacob^5 Layton, b. 1768, W.H.
7. David^5 Layton, b. 1770, W.H.
8. Abraham^5 Layton, b. 1773, W.H.
9. Helena^5 Layton, b. 1775, W.H.
10. Isaac^5 Layton, b. 1777, W.H.
11. Joris^5 (George) Layton, 1779, W.H.

Helena's parents are Garret and Helena (Ammerman) Van Wicklen.
David's parents are William and Margite (Ketelhuyn/Kettels) Layton.

Background information:

Helena^4 (later Eleanor) Van Wicklen
(Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 JEPPES) was b. 5 Oct 1737 and bap. (as Leena) 20 Nov 1737. She died Oct. 1826 at age 89 and was buried in Wolver Hollow. She married (c. 1757) David LAYTON of Wheatley, Oyster Bay, son of William and Margrite (Ketelhuyn/Kettels) Layton. David was born in 1733 and bap. 5 Aug 1733 in the Dutch Church of Wheatley, Oyster Bay. David died 17 June 1810 at age 77 and was bur. Brookville Cem. She is called Lena Van Wicklen at the baptisms of her children, and David in his 1802 will names wife Eleanor and makes “brother Jacob Van Weakly” an executor.

Harry Macy Jr., editor of New York Biographical and Geneological Record and author of several articles on the VW family is a descendent of David and Helena LAYTON.

Children: Johanna^5 (Hannah) Layton, b. 1758 and bap. 26 November 1758, W.H. (witnesses were Wyllem Leten and wife, Magrite. She married Abraham Brinkerhof in 1793; Magritta^5 Layton, b. 1760 and bap. 12 October 1760, W.H. She m. Thomas Burlock; Wyllem^5 Layton, b. 1762, and bap. 5 September 1762, W.H. He married Sara Brinkerhof; Garret^5 Layton, b. 14 September 1764 and bap. 14 October 1764, W.H. He married Jane Seaman on 12 January 1787. He died 6 September 1829; Jan^5 (John) Layton, b. 28 November 1766 and bap. 28 December 1766, W.H. (witnesses were Jan Leken and wife, and Lea Seymense. He married Mary Nostrand. He died 18 July 1840; Jacob^5 Layton, b. 1768 and bap. 27 November 1768, W.H. His first marriage was to Jannatye Bogart 30 June 1791. His second marriage was to Elizabeth, and his third marriage was to Abbie; David^5 Layton, b. 15 September 1770 and bap. 14 October 1770, W.H. He married Madelena Hegeman. He died in Wheatley, O.B., LI 24 November 1862; Abraham^5 Layton, b. Oct. 1772, and bap. 4 February 1773, W.H. He did not marry. He was killed by a fall and was bur. Brookville Cemetery, age 69 years, 4 mos.; Helena^5 Layton, b. 1775, and bap. 30 July 1775, W.H. She married Samuel Burlock; Isaac^5 Layton, b. 1777, and bap. 26 October 1777, W.H. He married three times. His third wife was named Phebe. He died 25 November 1849, age 73; Joris^5 (George) Layton, b. 1779 and bap. 12 March 1779,W.H. He did not marry. He died 16 November 1855 at age 75-6-4 and was bur. Brookville Cemetery. (A hearty woman was Helena (VW) Layton. Had eleven children and lived to age 89.)

Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 243.

Harry Macy notes on Helena^4 Van Wicklen
QWills (Sawyer 1-109) David Laton of Wheatley 29 March 1802, wf Eleanor; one of executors, brother Jacob Van Weakly.